Our Pledge to Our Valued Clients
Every client is valued at our establishment. Any expression of dissatisfaction with the service we provide, which requires a response, is taken seriously as a complaint. Our grievance policy encompasses complaints about the service quality we deliver in our courses at ENGAUGE FITNESS ACADEMY and the conduct of our staff.
Please Email us at letslearn@engaugeacademy.com
We commit to acknowledging received complaints within five business days. We will diligently investigate the matter and aim to provide a conclusive response within four weeks of receiving the complaint. If we can't resolve the issue within that timeframe, we will provide a progress update. We then strive to deliver a final response within eight weeks from the date of the complaint. If we are still unable to provide a final response, we will communicate the reasons to you and provide an estimated timeline for resolution. If you are still unhappy with our decision regarding your complaint, you have the right to escalate your complaint to the Oman Consumer Protection Arbitration at https://pacp.gov.om