personal training

The Course
Fees: OMR 600
The Diploma in Personal Training certifies you to become a Gym Instructor and Personal Trainer to enable you to work in the health and fitness industry. The Diploma comes from PD:Approval UK, which is a well recognized awarding body in the UK and is portable to other countries. The Diploma will enable you to prescribe, plan and deliver safe and effective exercise programmes as well as be able to give nutritional advice that is centered around habit change for long lasting health. It will allow you entry onto the Exercise Registers Internationally that is recognized under ICREPS, such as UAE, Australia, Ireland, South Africa, New Zealand, Poland and Philippines.
Guided learning hours of 275 hours to include atleast 54 practical hours
Unit 1 (D1 & A3): Conduct health screening and assess client exercise preferences, barriers and goals including special populations.
1. PAR-Q
2. Client interview
3. Health screening questionnaire
4. Client profile
5. Analyse and interpret client’s information
6. Practical observation of a fitness assessment
7. Special populations worksheet
GLH 15 hours
FTF 5 hours

Unit 2 (D1 & B2) Carry out client fitness assessments and gym inductions
1. Client interview and initial assessments
2. Analyse assessment results
3. Practical observation of assessments
4. Practical observation of gym inductions
5. Fitness assessment worksheet
GLH 25 hours
FTF 1 hour
Unit 3 (A2 & D2) Apply principles of anatomy and physiology in a fitness context
Multiple choice question (MCQ) paper
GLH 30 hours
FTF 2 hours
Unit 4 (A5) Provide motivation and support as part of exercise instruction
Provide motivation and support worksheet
GLH 15 hours
FTF 5 hours
Unit 5 (D6) Support long term behavior change by monitoring client exercise adherence and applying motivational techniques
Support behavior change and adherence worksheet
GLH 15 hours
FTF 5 hours
Unit 6 (B1) Promote healthy eating and physical activity
Promote healthy eating worksheet
GLH 15 hours
FTF 5 hours
Unit 7 (D3) Apply the principles of nutrition and weight management to program design
1. Client nutritional assessment
2. Promote healthy eating worksheet
GLH 25 hours
FTF 1 hour
Unit 8 (A1) Promote health and safety in a fitness environment
Promote health and safety worksheet
GLH 15 hours
FTF 5 hours
Unit 9 (A4) Provide customer service in health and fitness
Covered in units 1 and 4
GLH 10 hours
FTF 5 hours
Unit 10 (A6) Develop professional practice and personal career in the health and fitness industry
1. Personal development plan (PDP)
2. Viva with assessor
3. Business plan
GLH 10 hours
FTF 5 hours
Unit 11 (B3, D4 & D5) Plan exercise training programmes
1. Personal training program cards checklist
2. 6-week plan
GLH 30 hours
FTF 2 hours
Unit 12 (D2) Apply the principles of exercise science to program design
Principles of exercise worksheet
2. Personal training programmes x3 (as per unit 2)
3. Multiple choice questions (MCQs)
GLH 20 hours
FTF 1 hour
Unit 13 (B3 & D5) Instruct, supervise and deliver training programmes
1. Practical observation
2. Reflective statement
3. Professional discussion
GLH 30 hours
FTF 2 hours
Unit 14 (D7) Manage, review, adapt and evaluate personal training programmes
6-week review
GLH 20 hours
FTF 1 hour

Student Journey
Inquiry (online, office): One To One Meeting with the Academy Expert
Filling in the Student Application Form
Payment of the Fees (Easy Payment Plan Available)
Submission of All Documents and Successfully Completing the Registration Process
Receive User ID and Password via Email to Access Your Online Learning Platform with your Tutors.
Attending Face-to-face Practical Sessions
MCQ based Theory Assessment, Final Practical Assessment and Case Study Submission